On the morning of October 10th, the founding ceremony of the National Schools Alliance of Digital Reform in Education (NSAODRIE) was held at East China Normal University. University of Sanya, as the first batch of initiators, kicked off the ceremony with East China Normal University, Fudan University, Sichuan University and other universities. Executive President and Prof. Liu Kainan attended the ceremony.
The member units of NSAODRIE cover schools of higher education, basic education and vocational education. The alliance will develop Edu Tech with the internet and data thinking, push the digital transformation in education in our country and explore the practical plan of new educational governance in the smart society. All the member units will jointly make efforts to achieve two goals and four ideals. The two goals, which are opposite to each other in the traditional sense, are large-scaled education and individualized learning on one side, and fabricated knowledge and systematic construction on the other side. The four ideals are the ultimate Chinese educational ideal, which are teaching without discrimination, teaching in accordance with students’ aptitudes, teaching combined with entertainments, and teaching benefiting teacher and student alike. University of Sanya has always been forward-looking and sensitive in the direction of digitareform in education.
Editor&Translator: Zhang Yuhong
Source: 三亚学院与华东师大、复旦、川大等发起成立全国教育数字化改革学校联盟-三亚学院 (sanyau.edu.cn)